This site is dedicated to, and in honour of, all the United Nations Peacekeepers from around the world.
It is intended to bring attention to the great honour bestowed upon them when they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize by the
1988 Nobel Committee.
Purpose of Our Organization
Those who served as Peacekeepers prior to December 10, 1988, are in fact Nobel Peace Prize Laureates,
and should be held in the same high regard as Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson, U.S. President Jimmy Carter and all
the other distinguished holders of this honour. It seems to me though, that such esteem and honour has not been forthcoming
in most countries and this site is for the purpose of changing that. No medals were issued to identify those who were awarded
the highest honour there is for efforts to bring about world peace. This should be changed, and the governments involved and/or
the UN should issue a medal identifying each Peacekeeper as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize! A cash award amounting to
$390,000 USD, accompanied the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize, and was presented to the UN to help defray peacekeeping costs. Since
most of the peacekeeping costs are borne by the participating nations, it is my opinion that this cash award should have been
used by the United Nations to strike a suitable medal for presentation to all Peacekeepers to identify them as Nobel Peace
Prize Laureates!
A medal has been struck by a veterans organization in Norway, home of the Nobel prize, and this medal has been approved by the government of Norway
for Norwegian troops to wear. It comes with a copy of the original certificate of presentation with their name on it, and
a certificate identifying them as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. It is for sale to all Peacekeepers worldwide, but is
quite expensive and probably would not be recognized by other countries, and therefore not allowed to be worn with other decorations
in those countries. Furthermore, any medal issued should be paid for by the government or the UN, not by the recipient!
Our Mission
Our mission is to further promote the interests of our organization and our members to the various governments. We will strive
to make a difference by educating them and expanding our membership.
We need to get organized and pressure our respective governments to allow this medal to be worn, or one of another design.
The Norwegian medal is very attractive and quite appropriately is designed in the colours of the Norwegian flag.
We invite all Peacekeepers, whether you qualify for this award or not, to join us in this endeavor. There is absolutely no
cost involved, it is simply a means of getting as many of you together as possible to try to right an injustice. We hope to
send out the occasional newsletter to keep you up to date on how we are progressing.